Saturday, November 29, 2014

What do other people think about you? Does it even matter?

Insecurities seem to be a main driving force behind many fears and anxieties that people face on an every day basis, but what exactly is an insecurity? By definition it's an uncertainty or anxiety about oneself. A lack of confidence ( Now you may be wondering, 'Why do people have insecurities?' There are many factors that contribute to this, but the most obvious one is that there are parts of oneself that you might not like. It's because you don't like yourself for who you are because of the way other people have reacted to you. Let's go deeper than that though. Why would anyone decide to hate themselves(or parts of themselves)?

To really understand this, you have to listen to the voice inside of your head, without judgement. Just listen to it as the way it is. Just observe. Don't listen to it as the way you think it is.

Most of your thoughts and ideals come from an outdated way of thinking that was originally created when you were a kid. When you were little, your main motive was just survival and protecting yourself. If lets say, you were yelled at for not picking up your toys, you gained this fear for being yelled at again, so that fear was implanted in your head. For the sake of your 'survival' your brain would induce this fear inside of you to prevent you from being 'attacked' or yelled at again. Thus this turns into an insecurity. You begin to care about what others think about you in fear of being 'attacked' again. Twenty years down the road, that fear is still implanted in your head, but instead of viewing it as an insecurity or fear, you've turned it into a respect thing. You don't want to just leave messes wherever you go because that would be disrespectful to the other people. But deep down, it stems from caring about what others think of you. It stems from your survival instincts. But most people don't realize it, because they don't look at this way. That's only just one example though.

Maybe some of you were made fun of for your weight when you were little, or you compared yourself too much to the people you see on TV, so your survival instincts put that fear into your head, saying that you need to care about about your weight from having to avoid dealing with other peoples judgement, or judgement of yourself.

Pretty much this survival instinct focuses on yourself. It's part of the ego. When you feel like you're being attacked, even if it's just with words, or pictures, that triggers the survival part of your brain. It becomes an insecurity. And when the insecurity becomes too great, it leads to hating yourself and thus losing confidence in yourself.

Now I'm not saying having insecurities are a bad thing. Obviously your brain had good intentions, going into that 'defensive' state, but I feel as though it can get out of hand when you continue with that mindset for the rest of your life. But once you reach a certain state in your human evolution, there comes a time when worrying about what others think of you is no longer important. There comes a time when you need to start becoming your own person and embracing it, rather than hating it, or worrying if other people would like/hate it. If you want to stop feeling insecure or stop feeling like you're being attacked all the time, then I think it's about time you're ready to move on in this human experience.

First and foremost, you have to learn to become aware of yourself and your insecurities. I feel as though a lot of people aren't even aware of the fact that they have them. They view it as something that is normal to them so they don't find reasons to want to change that. So the first step to figuring out any problem, is awareness.

Once you have become aware of the situation, next you have to learn to not care so much about what other people think about you. Just remember that if you continue with this 'survival' mindset, you're going to go your entire life caring about what other people think about you, and you're going to die that way. As blunt and brutal as that sounds, it's the truth. Instead of focusing so much on what other people think of you, focus on what you think of yourself. Learn to love yourself. Maybe you're not necessarily the prettiest person in the world, but so what? It's a body that you were born with, you could either hate it your entire life, and make your life harder than what it needs to be, or you can learn to love it for what it is. Maybe you're just naturally a quiet person, but so many people have commented on it, or you've compared your quietness with everyone else's talkative nature so you became insecure about it. So now any time there's an 'awkward silence' you feel the need to either just avoid the situation or try to come up with something to say in fear of that silence. Instead of doing either of those, why not just be yourself? If you have absolutely nothing to say, then don't try to force anything out. Why try to be something you're not? That's even harder than being yourself.

What I've realized that really helps, is that if you spend a lot of time with people who like you for you who are, people who try to help you bring out your natural self, you won't necessarily have to feel so uncomfortable trying to be something you're not just to impress someone you don't like.

Always remember, that you are not your insecurities. Your insecurities are just constructs of fear that your brain has created for itself. You have the power to change your mindset. Don't ever be ashamed to be yourself. Don't let the fear stop you from being who ever you want to be. Love yourself.

Thank you all for reading my post. I love you. Namasté<3

Friday, November 28, 2014

What Are You Thankful For?

I've come to the conclusion that I should start doing blog post at least once every day. It's been a while since I've done a post because I've been putting it off way to much and if I kept doing that, I would never get anywhere with this blog. I really like blogging, but sometimes my procrastination gets in the way and that is something I have to work on when it comes to blogging. Especially blogging. Usually it's not knowing what to talk about that stops me from making any post, but I now know, that if I want to get anywhere with this, I have to keep posting. I have to keep going. I can't give up. Even if it requires me to sit on my computer for hours with a blank screen in front of me, that's okay. And I am okay with this. Mainly because blogging has provided me with a lot. It allows me to talk about the things I want to talk about. It allows me to say things that I might not normally talk about in person. It allows me to connect to people who share similar views an interests. It allows me to help other people who might be in need of advise. It's a way of expressing myself that I feel fits with my personality very well. It allows me to create something from my soul. It's something I love. And I am very thankful for it.

I think people should be more thankful for the things they have. Try to imagine what your life would be like if you didn't have any of the things you have now. It would be a heck of a lot different. Isn't it funny how Thanksgiving and Black Friday, the two most opposite days, are right next to each other? A day where you're suppose to be thankful and appreciative of what you have is right next to the day day where huge crowds of people will stomp and topple over other people just to get bagfuls of things what they want. I don't think being thankful should be just dedicated to one day. It should be everyday. When you see the injuries and deaths from Black Friday, it really shows that people aren't all that thankful for what they have. They would rather trample over other people just to make themselves happier with cheaper toys. It shows that Thanksgiving has just become a day where people look more forward to the food than anything else. To me, that's not being thankful at all.

"Appreciate more, expect less." Is the mind set that I like to have. When you start trying to expect things to happen, or when you ask for so much from someone or something, your happiness starts going down the drain. It's because of that 'want' that you have for something, it makes you vulnerable. Vulnerable in the sense where, if you didn't get what you wanted so badly, or if something didn't go the way you expected it, you're gonna end up being very disappointed and possibly to the extremes of being angry and forceful on others. Even if it doesn't seam like you have a lot, or maybe it seams like you have absolutely nothing, to someone else out there, your 'nothing' is sure heck of a lot of 'something' to someone else. Just the fact that you are born into this world and have a chance to live it out, and make your life the way you want it to be, I think is something that everyone should be thankful for. Take some time and write down a list of everything you're thankful for in your life right now and everyday when you wake up and before you go to bed, keep adding to that list. Once you start to find more things to be appreciative for, you'll start to feel how happier you get, because you'll start to realize that you do have a lot more in your life than what you gave yourself credit for.

Be thankful and appreciative for your life.
(Note to self: Don't give up on blogging)
Thank all of you for reading my blogs.
I love you. Namasté <3

Friday, November 21, 2014

God, The Universe, and You.

Have you ever had this feeling, like you were a part of something much bigger than yourself? Something that goes far beyond our current understanding of things? Maybe you have. Maybe you haven't. For those who have no idea what I'm talking about, I'm talking about the universe as a whole. The works of the universe is something that has always interested me. I feel as though our universe works in ways that go beyond the standard laws of physics.

I don't know how many of you are into the whole alien conspiracy thing, but when there are supposed messages from extra terrestrials that you read about, or watch about on youtube, telling us that there is some liveliness to the universe, that the universe itself is a living entity, a living being, I feel as though there is some truth to that. I don't know if those messages are from actual aliens themselves, but that's besides the point. If you think about it, if it is stardust that has made us into the living conscious beings we are today, then who's to say that the universe itself isn't a living, conscious entity?(For those who haven't heard of Carl Sagan, look him up. His philosophies about life and the universe is where I got the inspiration for this post.) And when I say the universe, I also mean everything within it. That means the planet itself, the rock that you skipped across the water, the water that you threw the rock in, the car that you drive, solar systems, even galaxies and the spaces in between. I don't know if anyone else gets this, but when I think of the universe as a living being, I feel a sense of connection with everything, a sense of oneness. This is that sensation I was talking about.

The universe is a giant ball of mystery and our science and philosophy has barely even scratched the surface of it. People like to say that we know more about the universe than we do our own oceans, but I don't believe that to be true. I don't think people realize how much is really out there in the infinity that's beyond our biosphere. Uh... Infinity. By definition it means, endless, limitless, boundless. But can we really truthfully fathom infinity? The answer is no. You can even give it a try yourself. Try to picture just a million one dollar bills. You'll realize that you can't. The number is too big for our mind to picture. And well, that's how I feel about the universe. Even the most advanced civilizations in our known universe have probably realized they know absolutely so little about it. If the universe is infinite, then that means there's an infinite amount of knowledge to learn. I hope the human race is prepared for that:P

Flower of Life. Symbolic Representation of our Universe.
Now, science says that you can't really prove that the universe is infinite, at least not yet. And I understand where they're coming from. But have you ever heard of the saying "That which is above is the same as that which is below"(Shorter version 'As above, so below')? This is another philosophy that comes from the ancient civilizations. Have you ever looked at a picture of an atom? It looks a lot like our solar system doesn't it? Have you ever looked at a cell, and saw how much it resembles and acts like an animal like us? Have you ever looked at the picture of the known universe and saw how much it resembles the neurons in a brain? That which is above, is the same that which is below, and it expands infinitely in both directions. So, if this is true, if you look just the tip of pinpoint, in that what seams to be a small amount of space, holds infinity. Pretty hard to wrap your mind around, right? It's as though, the universe created us in its image.

Now that saying I'm sure sounds familiar. Usually when people say that, they replace 'Universe' with the word 'God.' So if God equals the universe, you could say that we were created in his image. Now since we're on the topic of God, I think this would be a good time to say this. A few days ago, my step sister asked me if I believed in God. At the time I had a hard time answering this question. Obviously my answer was yes, but I couldn't just say that because I know that my perception of God is different than hers because she comes from a very religious family. Obviously we all have the same god, we all have the same universe, it's just how you perceive it that makes the difference. So I'm gonna answer her question, and maybe my answer will give everyone else some food for thought. This is what I don't believe in. I don't believe in a God with a white beard, who sits on a throne, and one day he was bored so he decided farted out the universe. I don't believe in a God that is separate from us, that is separate from the universe. I believe in the Universe. And if the Universe is God, then that also means you're God. After all, you are the Universe inside of itself. And when they say to look up to God, when you have an issue or problem, what they really mean, is to look to the God within yourself. Look for answers within your own soul. If they say to pray to God, what they really mean, is to pray to yourself. When they say to have faith in God, they mean to have faith in yourself. So from this perspective, if you believe in the Universe, you automatically believe in God. So when religion was created back in the day, I think they had the right idea, but it was just changed and misinterpreted over time.

I could honestly keep going, but I'm not going to, so I hope this answers my sister's question. I hope that maybe for you "religious" people, this helped changed your idea of God and the Universe(and science). And for you "athiest" I hope with this perspective, you won't be so afraid of the idea of 'God.' I believe Science and Spirituality could benefit greatly if they combined and got over their differences. But anyways, thank you all for reading my blog post! If it weren't for you, I'd have no reason to do this and keep going, so thank you! I greatly appreciate it:) I love you all. Namasté <3

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Humanity's Insecurity

As you have may noticed, I haven't made a new post in a little over a week now. I've been kinda busy which kinda saddens me, because I actually like blogging. But, don't worry! I didn't go anywhere. I'm still here, still blogging!:) These past couple days I've been trying to figure out what my next post was going to be about. I even started writing another post, but today after watching Prince Ea's youtube video 'Why I think the world should end' (, something inside of me sparked. Something that I felt was really important and needed to be talked about. Just as he probably thought the same thing. So I put my other post aside to do this one. And since it has been a while since I've done a post, I made sure I put in a lot of time and effort into this one. So like most of my post, I'm gonna start of with a question or few.

If you were an Alien visiting earth, what would you think of the human species? If you were able to look at yourself from and outside perspective, what would you think of yourself? Have you ever even given it a thought? Or are you too comfortable living inside of your sheltered home to care about what goes outside, or even inside of yourself for that matter? Do you have this feeling inside of you that there is something wrong with the world? Or are you too busy, being self absorbed into your phone, only caring about how many likes you have on a picture, how many "friends" you have or getting excited because a new song came out talking about drugs, butts and sex?

Many things are wrong with the world that we live in today, but I don't think enough people realize it. The human species is miserable and in need of change, but either we fear it that change or we don't even realize that we are miserable. What the human species needs to do is to wake up. So please take this message with consideration, because we, the human species, needs this realization.

Too many of us don't think for themselves. We conform to a society that tells us how to think and how to act, rather than thinking for ourselves and expressing our unique individuality. Our education system teaches the exact same thing. We are so insecure with ourselves, that we buy makeup to cover up our "imperfection." We starve ourselves because our bodies don't match what we see on the TV. We try so hard to be something we're not because we feel the need for acceptance from others, rather than yourself. We care too much about what other people think about us, rather than caring about be happier. Our "American Dream" is nothing more than just an excuse to continue using money for how you think about yourself. We tell people that if we keep buying and buying more things, they'll our own greed. We medicate so much that we have to rely on it rather than trying to figure out the problems ourselves. We judge and label others too much without stopping and trying to actually understand. We hate too much and love too little. Unconditional love doesn't even exists any more. It's become more about possession rather than appreciation. We ask for so much, but yet we don't appreciate what we already have. Ignorance is rewarded when they shun and hate the intelligent. We try so hard to make a living, that we forget how to live. Money has taken over every aspect of our lives but yet we forget that it only has value if we give it value. We forget to realize that money is the root of all evil. The amount of pride and greed is so high that we forget to help those in need. We have been so absorbed into our technology that we have lost our connection to our planet. We believe and worship in an invisible god that is separate from us, so we forget to worship and take care of the god that is our planet and our universe. Speaking of god, religion has lost its true sense of faith. It has became a battle over who's god is right and real and who's god isn't. It has become a way so people can continue to hate people based on their sexuality or beliefs. I thought religion was suppose to teach about compassion and love, not hate, fear and judgement. We pollute our air and water so much. Animals are becoming extinct. We're so focused on making money that we don't bother with renewable resources. We fill the news media with unimportant events, about celebrities and gossip, rather than focusing on the real problems. Our government is corrupt. Our leaders are elected by how much money they use. We seem to only care about making war rather than making peace. Our jails are overfilled and our police force abuses their powers. 

And yet, so many people are too comfortable with the lives that they have now that they fear change. It's as if though they fear the light and worship the dark. If you wish to see a change in this world, you must learn to start with yourself. One person might not be able to change the world, but if each and every one of us, changes in the inside, we will create a generation that will make history in our human evolution. I understand that the time we are in right now, is a necessary step in our evolution. We must experience the bad in order to understand the good. But I think it's about time we make a change. Always remember that each and every one of you is special and important in this changing world. And if you wish to see change, then you must learn to become aware of yourself, your actions, your thoughts, and the environment around you. Be the change you wish to see. Be the light that will shine out the darkness. You have the power to. You just have to realize it.

Have hope for the future. I love you all. Namasté <3

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

You Alone Have The Choice

"When I was 5 years old, my mother always told me that happiness was the key to life. When I went to school, they asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. I wrote down 'happy'. They told me I didn't understand the assignment, and I told them they didn't understand life." ~John Lennon

If someone came up to you and asked if you were a happy person, what would you say? Would you say yes with confidence? Would you frown a little bit and say no? Would you hesitate a little bit because you are unsure? Or would you lie to yourself and say you are happy, when deep down you know you're not? Below is a list of traits that every happy person has in common. Maybe some of these traits will resonate with you. Maybe some of these traits are things that you need to apply to your life more. This post will probably be a long one, so be prepared to read a lot, but what I hope is that when you are done reading this, you will hopefully gain a better understanding of yourself and what happiness means to you.

They love themselves for who they are. That includes their weaknesses.
Happy people don't care about what others think about them. They don't go to others for approval or satisfaction. They love themselves for who they are. They understand and accept the fact that everyone has their own weaknesses so they make the best out of life with the strengths that they have.

They view problems as a challenge to overcome.
When they are faced with a problem, instead of living in fear and running away from it, they view it as a challenge, an obstacle, that they must overcome with confidence.

They take responsibility for everything in their life, including their own emotions.
Happy people aren't going to play the blame game, act like victims, or complain about every difficult situation. They understand that they are responsible for their own happiness. Instead of blaming someone else for making them miserable and unhappy, they create their own happiness from within, no matter what the situation is. They have have a strong control over themselves and their feelings. They like to live as a master over their emotions, rather than be a slave to them.

They are true to themselves.
Happy people stay true to themselves. They don't fall into what society thinks of them or how society wants them to be. They stick to who they are and who they want to be. They don't base themselves from what other people want or what their values are. They stay true to their own values and do what they believe is right and they stay true to what they love. They don't care about what criticisms or judgments that society has to offer. Their self worth is a reflection of who they are and how they choose to live. Not what they own, who they know, where they live, or what they look like. They are their own person who enjoys expressing their own uniqueness.

They don't chase happiness.
Happy people know that if you view happiness as a destination or a place to you must reach, that you will be chasing it for the rest of your life. They understand that happiness comes from within. Not by how much money you have, not by what things they own, and not what by what situations they think should happen in their life. They appreciate the things that they have, rather than focusing on the things they don't have or what they could have. They understand that happiness is part of the journey, not the destination.

They laugh and smile. A lot.
It could even be the most stupidest of things, and they will laugh at it as though it was a hilarious joke. Even during difficult times, they have learned to laugh at themselves and the mistakes that they have made. They understand that life isn't meant to be taken seriously, so they take their issues and things that happen to them lightheartedly and laugh at them a little. They know if you can find humor in any situation, you automatically win.

They are life long learners.
Happy people take every situation and learn from it. Even if they are in the most difficult situation, they find ways of turning it into a positive experience by learning something from it and becoming a better them. Life is their school.

They expect less and give more.
They don't expect much from other people, because they are happy with what they have. Instead, happy people find pleasure in sharing their happiness with others and making someone else smile and be happy. They understand what it's like to be down in the dumps.

They love unconditionally.
Happy people aren't going to hate someone just because they don't agree with what someone else does or think. They understand that the only way to drive out hate, anger, and fear is to love. Love unconditionally. They don't judge or criticize someone because they understand that everyone tries as hard as they can in their life with the level of consciousness, understanding, and awareness that they have. Instead of hating people for their actions, beliefs, or flaws they learn to love people because they too have opinions, flaws and problems just like everyone else. They respect the fact that everyone is entitled to their own opinion, and perspective. They have learned to see beauty in everyone.

They live in the present.
Instead of being stuck in the past, or worrying too much about the future, happy people focus on whats important. The now. They understand that the only time in the world that they have to do things, is right now. They understand that what is in the past, is in the past for a reason. And if they are worrying too much about the future, then you are worrying about something that hasn't even happened yet. They focus on what they can do right now. Because the only way to change the future, is to focus on the present. They bring their awareness to the present and embrace the Now!

They prefer deep conversations rather than simple small talk.
Happy people prefer to look at the bigger picture in life. They don't care about all the drama that happens or the simple small talks. They like to put their focus on things that actually matter in the long run. They sacrifice short-term pleasures for long term happiness.

They try to be a better them, rather than being better than others.
They understand that the only person you should be comparing yourself to, is the person you were yesterday. No one else. They know that if you were to compare yourself to other people, that would only create insecurities and jealousy. Don't try to be better than everyone else. Just be a better you.

They look within themselves when in need of a solution.
Every now and then it's nice to go to someone when you are in desperate need of help, but happy people understand that the only person who knows you best, is you. If you want a solution to a problem, you must look within yourself and you will find the answer. Follow love.

They view relationships as an extension to the human experience, rather than a necessity.
Happy people understand that if someone feels constantly lonely and feels the need to constantly have people in their life, its most likely because they don't want to be left alone with the one person they hate, themselves. If you learn to love yourself, then having people in your life becomes a choice rather than a necessity.

They accept what cannot be changed.
They know that if there is a situation that they cannot physically change, the only way to make it better is by simply changing their perspective about it, and changing the way they view the situation into something more positive and move on.

They tend to be more spiritual people.
Happy people tend to be more spiritual because they have become aware of their connection to everything around them. They look at everything around them as equals. This includes people, animals, plants, our planet, and the universe as a whole. They have awakened to the oneness of the universe.

Personally, I can confidently say that I am an all around happy person. Sometimes I'll slip and fall every now and then, but thankfully I have wonderful friends that remind me of how far I have gotten.

Now I'm not here typing out this long post just to boast about my own happiness. I am sending this message to all of YOU, because I know way to many people who are stuck in depression, who hate themselves, who hate the people and the world around them, who are blocked by fear, who can't face their insecurities, who judge and criticize constantly, and who have become SLAVES to their own minds.

I want all of you to know, that every day, when you wake up, you have a choice. You can either wake up and be a victim or you can wake up and be a winner. You can either wake up and hate the world or you can wake up and love everything for what it is. You either can wake up and cower in fear in the comfort of your own home or you can wake up and step out of your comfort zone. You can either wake up and care about what everyone else thinks about you or you can wake up be yourself for once, and not be afraid to do so. The only person in the entire universe who can make you happy and whole is YOU! YOU alone have the power to make yourself happy and free from the chains of hate and fear. If you are tired of being miserable, angry and insecure then I want all of you, right now, to stand up, and from the deepest part of your heart and soul, yell at the top of your lungs "STARTING TODAY, I AM CHOOSING TO BE HAPPY DAMMIT!"

The mind is a terrible master, but a wonderful servant. You have a choice. Choose wisely.
I love you all. Namasté <3

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Halloween Special - Life, Death, and Rebirth

Since Halloween was yesterday, and everyone is now sitting at home, drying out their costumes from the rain, and resting their big bellies full of sugary sweets, today would be a perfect day to do a Halloween post! I know, I know, you don't need to tell me. I am a day late. I was hoping to do this yesterday but I never managed to find the time to myself to write this post. But, I'm doing it now so... Yay!:)

Do you know where Halloween comes from? Well if not, you're about to learn something new. I know I sure didn't know until I decided to do this post. The word Halloween originated from Christianity back in the 1740s. It means Hallowed Evening or Holy Evening, but before then it went by a different name. The Scottish use to call it All Hallows Eve, but after some time the word Eve/Even(evening) changed over to e'en and een and then it kinda squished together to form what we know of as now as Halloween. October 31 was(and still is) a day where cultures all over the world would honor those who have passed on from this life. I remember learning a lot about this during spanish class around this time of the year. It's pretty much the day of the dead, and it has a lot of religious roots. Churches would light candles and send prayers to those who have passed away. Other cultures believed that this was the time of the year when souls would come back and visit their homes so they would set up a spot for them during dinner time by the fire to welcome them home. During the festivals they would have bonfires and they believed that the smoke would have protective and cleansing powers. And of course, people would go house to house dressed up in costumes getting snacks. If you wish to know more, Wikipedia is where I got my information:  ... Yay Wikipedia!:D

I hope you have at least a decent idea of where The Day of the Dead came from. Speaking of the dead, now I can finally get into the stuff I wanted to talk about. I'm sure everyone has thought of this at least one point in their life, but what happens when we die? Does our bodies and our conscious minds just turn into dirt so new plants and animals can form and that's it? Or do we have souls? And if so, where do our souls go after our bodies have died? Many religions and theologies have come up with ideas. Most religions believe in a heaven and/or hell, a place where souls would go after they have gone through judgement. Eastern theologies, like Buddhism, and Hinduism believed that our souls would pass through multiple life times, through multiple bodies, so their souls can grow in its awareness until it was One with the All.  Others believe that we don't have souls, and that there is no after life. And there are those who don't have any beliefs simply because of the fact they aren't sure what's true and what's not true. 

Now, I do plan on doing a religion vs science post at some point in the future but here's a brief explanation of what I think happens after we die... If you wish to put a label on it for the sake of simplicity, you could say that some of my beliefs stem from the eastern theologies(Buddhism, Hinduism) and today's "New Age" theology. I believe that we are souls on a this cosmic journey, passing through life time after life time, further expanding our souls and our knowledge with each body that we live in further enlightening ourselves. Our bodies are just vehicles for our souls to use. They are not our true selves. Death, is not something to be feared. Death just means rebirth. Just like a pheonix. When a pheonix dies, it gets reborn from the ashes. To me, that just makes a lot more sense than a heaven or a hell, just because that's how all the physical matter in our universe works so It would make sense if our souls worked the same way, but I do accept the fact that I could be just as right or just as wrong as the next person, so I try to stay open-minded to other/new ideas. 

By the way... I'd advise watching the movie The Fountain with Hugh Jackman in it. I just watched it the other day, and it talks exactly what I'm talking about: Life, Death, Rebirth, Immortality, Tree of life. I found it to be a very thought provoking movie. I kept me thinking even days after watching the movie. So.. Watch it! ;)

So I'd like to ask you, what are your thoughts on life and death? Do you have maybe a belief that's might not be as "Popular" or well known as Christianity or Buddhism? Do you have a belief that you totally came up with on your own? Do you have beliefs completely different or similar to what I do? If you haven't ever thought of this before in depth, I'd advise doing so. Play with your thoughts a bit. Spark up your imagination. Make your brain really think. Even if you already have a set of beliefs, try to think of another possibility. Be open-minded. I know that in truth, no one will really know until that day comes, or until we have the technology to figure it out, but while we're here and alive in the bodies we have now, we might as well have some fun with our imaginations in the mean time:P

Well, I think that ends this post. I hope everyone had a fun candy filled spooky Halloween yesterday! Remember to hide the candy from your kids before they eat it all;) I love you all! Namasté <3