As you have may noticed, I haven't made a new post in a little over a week now. I've been kinda busy which kinda saddens me, because I actually like blogging. But, don't worry! I didn't go anywhere. I'm still here, still blogging!:) These past couple days I've been trying to figure out what my next post was going to be about. I even started writing another post, but today after watching Prince Ea's youtube video 'Why I think the world should end' (, something inside of me sparked. Something that I felt was really important and needed to be talked about. Just as he probably thought the same thing. So I put my other post aside to do this one. And since it has been a while since I've done a post, I made sure I put in a lot of time and effort into this one. So like most of my post, I'm gonna start of with a question or few.
Many things are wrong with the world that we live in today, but I don't think enough people realize it. The human species is miserable and in need of change, but either we fear it that change or we don't even realize that we are miserable. What the human species needs to do is to wake up. So please take this message with consideration, because we, the human species, needs this realization.
Too many of us don't think for themselves. We conform to a society that tells us how to think and how to act, rather than thinking for ourselves and expressing our unique individuality. Our education system teaches the exact same thing. We are so insecure with ourselves, that we buy makeup to cover up our "imperfection." We starve ourselves because our bodies don't match what we see on the TV. We try so hard to be something we're not because we feel the need for acceptance from others, rather than yourself. We care too much about what other people think about us, rather than caring about be happier. Our "American Dream" is nothing more than just an excuse to continue using money for how you think about yourself. We tell people that if we keep buying and buying more things, they'll our own greed. We medicate so much that we have to rely on it rather than trying to figure out the problems ourselves. We judge and label others too much without stopping and trying to actually understand. We hate too much and love too little. Unconditional love doesn't even exists any more. It's become more about possession rather than appreciation. We ask for so much, but yet we don't appreciate what we already have. Ignorance is rewarded when they shun and hate the intelligent. We try so hard to make a living, that we forget how to live. Money has taken over every aspect of our lives but yet we forget that it only has value if we give it value. We forget to realize that money is the root of all evil. The amount of pride and greed is so high that we forget to help those in need. We have been so absorbed into our technology that we have lost our connection to our planet. We believe and worship in an invisible god that is separate from us, so we forget to worship and take care of the god that is our planet and our universe. Speaking of god, religion has lost its true sense of faith. It has became a battle over who's god is right and real and who's god isn't. It has become a way so people can continue to hate people based on their sexuality or beliefs. I thought religion was suppose to teach about compassion and love, not hate, fear and judgement. We pollute our air and water so much. Animals are becoming extinct. We're so focused on making money that we don't bother with renewable resources. We fill the news media with unimportant events, about celebrities and gossip, rather than focusing on the real problems. Our government is corrupt. Our leaders are elected by how much money they use. We seem to only care about making war rather than making peace. Our jails are overfilled and our police force abuses their powers.
And yet, so many people are too comfortable with the lives that they have now that they fear change. It's as if though they fear the light and worship the dark. If you wish to see a change in this world, you must learn to start with yourself. One person might not be able to change the world, but if each and every one of us, changes in the inside, we will create a generation that will make history in our human evolution. I understand that the time we are in right now, is a necessary step in our evolution. We must experience the bad in order to understand the good. But I think it's about time we make a change. Always remember that each and every one of you is special and important in this changing world. And if you wish to see change, then you must learn to become aware of yourself, your actions, your thoughts, and the environment around you. Be the change you wish to see. Be the light that will shine out the darkness. You have the power to. You just have to realize it.
Have hope for the future. I love you all. Namasté <3
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