Monday, December 29, 2014


Sirens are going off all over. Bullets are flying everywhere. The town that you once knew is now in ruins. Out of the corner of your eye, you see a mother crying over her dead son. You see a man carrying his wife out of the rubble. You see a mass of people all running around as if they had no idea what to do. You can't help but stand there and stare. Stare at their sadness in hope that all of this would go away. Stare at the pain that they are going through realizing that all this pain would go away if we just learned to get along.

As you stare into all the sadness, you hear a faint yell coming from behind you. "Run!" You bolt away as fast as you can without a second thought. Moments later you are tossed forward, screaming in pain and out of all of that noise, the only thing that you could hear was the shrieking high pitched ring followed by thundering boom of your heart beat coursing through your head. You try to sit back up, but the pain hurts too much. You look behind you. Everyone is gone. The mother who was crying over her son. The man who was carrying his wife. All who struggled to survive, now gone. You stare deeper into the sadness, wishing for all of this to stop, knowing that all of this would go away if we just learned to get along.

"They're coming," you realized. In the heat of the moment, you manage to get up and run. You try your best to ignore the pain, knowing that this was life or death. You limp onward telling yourself that you must keep going, that you must keep on living. You hear the footsteps getting closer to you. You run faster, but no matter how much faster you limp your way to safety, the sound of fear of everyone you once knew draws closer and closer. At the end of the alley way a dark figure appears before you. You stop in fear, knowing that you can't turn back. Those footsteps that were once chasing you, have finally came. It's too late now. You're surrounded, with no way out. You think to yourself, that all of this would go away if we just learned to get along but before you're even able to finish that thought, a loud boom is heard and suddenly, your world goes dark. 

Thursday, December 25, 2014

Important Message

If you notice that there are large amounts of space at the top and side of the page, just ignore that for now. It will soon go away... I hope. I've recently started working with Google Adsense so for a while there will be blank spots that don't belong until my application gets fully reviewed and approved. But in the mean time, please continue to share any content on this page! And enjoy a gif image of my rainbow fan.

Update!: Those blank spots should be gone by now:)

Merry Christmas!

Wait... It's Christmas already? Where did all that time go? I Feel like 2014 just started not that long ago. Well I hope all that last minute shopping was worth it because today is the day! A day filled with holiday advertisements, being around family members you don't like, arguments, consumerism, jealousy because Jimmy got the better toy, money, and crying from the lack of money! What a joyful day isn't it? Oh wait... let me try that again...

Merry Christmas! A day of Love and Joy spent well with family and friends! A day of giving and sharing! A day... that is...Well that failed.

I forgot how much I don't like shopping until I did some Christmas shopping this year. Trying to figure out what to get other people can be quite the difficult challenge. #TheStruggleIsReal. My Little Pony will forever be stuck in my head.

Today is also the day when people get into arguments about what's the "proper" way to say "Merry Christmas." Pfft. Please. That don't matter.

Today is also the day when people cook delicious food. I like food.

Fact #666: This is not a serious post so if you were expecting one, please mix more bourbon with that eggnog.

Basic bitches are a real thing and come out of their caves every holiday. You've probably ran into a lot of them already. You probably are one.

Kids, if you notice that Santa's handwriting is the same as your parents, there's a reason for that. No, your parents are not Santa Clause so stop thinking that right now.

There are more Christmas movies out there than there are of cookies inside of Santa.

Pets, remember that the Christmas tree is not a toy for you to play with.

Make sure you make it on the naughty list.

Remember that it's all about the gifts. If you get a gift that you don't like, throw a big tantrum, be selfish, and demand that you get what you want.

I lied. Don't really do that.

When planning for your new years resolution, make sure you actually plan to go through with them this time around.

For you stoners out there. Make sure that your dinner falls right after 4:20. And don't get caught by family members. Or cops.

Go play in the snow. If there is any. For you people in the desert, go play in the sand.

If it's yellow, eat it.

Try not to spend your Christmas money all at once.

Have a Merry Happy Hanukwanzaa!

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

The Mind of an Introvert and an Extrovert

A few days ago I made a post about personality types(What Type of Personality Do You Have?), and I figured, why not keep going? I've noticed a lot of people usually sway between being an extrovert and an introvert. What is an into/extro-vert you ask? Well, good question! Obviously as you read from my previous post, whether or not you are one of the two, is determined by where most of your focus is. Are you more outwardly focused or are you more inwardly focused? Now, this isn't dead set. You can change sides depending on the situation and what mood you are in. Everyone is a mix of both. No one is 100% one or the other. However, usually people are more of one, than they are the other.

When you go to a party or some sort of social event and you see those people who sit off to the side away from the big crowds? Yeah, those are the introverts. Introverts can't handle too much stimulus. Being around a large number of people can be too much for their brains to deal with. They would rather sit at home and read a book or play a video game than go out and socialize with a bunch of people. Introverts are happy with just a few close friends. But even after spending time with those few close friends, they always need time to themselves to recharge. Unlike their counterpart, spending time by themselves is how introverts recharge. Since being around people can be too much for them, they need to take time for themselves to level back out.

Introverts have a tendency to be very reserved and to themselves, but don't mistaken this as shyness. Extroverts can be just as shy as an introvert. A lot of people misinterpret an introvert to be shy because they have seemingly similar qualities to a shy person, but it doesn't always mean that they are. Most of the time, they just prefer to stay quiet and observe things rather than talk and be active.

Don't ever underestimate a quiet introvert. They are big thinkers. They might not be the do'ers, but underneath that calm and quiet exterior, their mind is cluttered worse than your bedroom.

You know those other people the parties who go out of there way to talk to as many people as they can? Pretty much the exact opposite of the introverted ones who sit on the side? Yeah, those are the extroverts. They are the life of the party. Unlike the introvert, extroverts do not mind being the center of attention. They absolutely love socializing. Extroverts need a lot more stimulus than their counterpart, so they are always in need of a changing environment. Have you ever met someone that constantly changes their room around all the time? That would be their extrovert quality.

Extroverts aren't as big as thinkers as introverts, so usually when an extrovert needs to discuss something(or do something), they go to others for that help.

Instead of drawing energy from themselves, extroverts get energy by being around others. Since their brain isn't as stimulated as their counterpart, they need to do more physical activities in order for them to reach that "normal" level.

What really makes an introvert an introvert and an extrovert and extrovert, is the way their brain is wired. It has a lot to deal with the reward system. Extroverts are usually more daring and adventurous because their brains are wired to constantly reward them with new experiences, to where as an introvert is usually happy and feels more rewarded with what they already have.

As I said before, no one is 100% extrovert or introvert. Everyone is a mix of both. I know that I'm definitely more of an introvert but I have noticed a lot of extrovert qualities in me also. You'll probably notice the same thing about yourself. But anyways, I hope you guys learned a little something here. I know sometimes there's a lot of misunderstandings between extroverts and introverts because of how different they are.

Thanks for reading! I love you all. Namasté <3

Thursday, December 11, 2014

What Type of Personality Do You Have?

I remember back during my twelfth grade year when we were all trying to figure out what we wanted to do with our lives, we had to do this career project, and for part of the project we had to take the Myers-Briggs personality quiz. For those of you who don't know what this is, it was a way for women, during WWII, who were just getting into the workforce, to figure out what jobs best suited them. Now, it has become a way for everyone to either figure out what careers they want to get into or if they just want to get to know themselves better. Anyways, at the time, I didn't really pay attention to my results because I wasn't really as interested then, but recently I've taken the quiz again and it's a little scary on how spot on it is.

Carl Gustuv Jung was the first to theorize that how we experience the world can be broken up into four categories: Sensing, Intuition, Feeling, and Thinking. But this was back in the 1920s. It wasn't until twenty years later, Katherine Cook Briggs and Isabel Briggs Myers, created the personality test for women for the war. There are four opposite pairs, so in total, based on this test, there are 16 personality types. Your personality type depends on which of the two opposite means of experiencing the world, you go by.

1. Are  you outwardly or inwardly focused? (E/I)
Are you an extrovert or and introvert? Can you be described as talkative and outgoing or are you more reserved and private? Do you enjoy being the center of attention or do you prefer to just observe and stay to the side away from the attention?

2. How do you prefer to take in information? (S/N)
Do you prefer to use your senses or do you prefer to go by your intuition? Do you like to pay attention to concrete facts or do you prefer to look at the bigger picture and see how everything connects? Do you prefer ideas that have practical applications or do you enjoy ideas and concepts for their own sake? Do you like to focus on the reality of how things are or do you like to imagine the possibility of how things could be?

3. How do you prefer to make decisions? (T/F)
Do you prefer thinking or feeling? Do you make decisions using logical reasoning or do you make your decisions based on your values and how your actions affect others? Do you value justice and fairness or do you value harmony and forgiveness? Are you described as reasonable and level-headed or are you described as warm and empathetic?

4. How do you prefer to live your outer life? (J/P)
Do you prefer judging or do you prefer perceiving? Do you prefer to have matters settled or do you like to keep your options open? Do you think that rules and deadlines should be respected or do you see rules and deadlines as flexible? Do you like to make plans ahead of time or are you spontaneous and enjoy surprises?

If you wish to take the actual test and get more in depth information, there are sites that offer the test for free:

No personality is any better than the rest. Each one has something valuable to offer to. And if we can understand this, then we won't be so quick to judge someone based on their personality.

I'm an INFP personality type. So I'm an Introvert that likes to take in information with my iNtuition. When I make decisions, I base it on how I Feel and how others Feel. And I like to Perceive many possibilities.

Obviously your personality type is much more complex than just what information I gave you, but I'll leave the rest of the research up to you. You'll probably learn things about yourself that you never knew before. After you take the test you'll probably be thinking to yourself "Someone finally understands me!" That's exactly how I felt when I took it.

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed taking the test. I hope you learned something new.
I love you all! Namasté <3