Thursday, December 11, 2014

What Type of Personality Do You Have?

I remember back during my twelfth grade year when we were all trying to figure out what we wanted to do with our lives, we had to do this career project, and for part of the project we had to take the Myers-Briggs personality quiz. For those of you who don't know what this is, it was a way for women, during WWII, who were just getting into the workforce, to figure out what jobs best suited them. Now, it has become a way for everyone to either figure out what careers they want to get into or if they just want to get to know themselves better. Anyways, at the time, I didn't really pay attention to my results because I wasn't really as interested then, but recently I've taken the quiz again and it's a little scary on how spot on it is.

Carl Gustuv Jung was the first to theorize that how we experience the world can be broken up into four categories: Sensing, Intuition, Feeling, and Thinking. But this was back in the 1920s. It wasn't until twenty years later, Katherine Cook Briggs and Isabel Briggs Myers, created the personality test for women for the war. There are four opposite pairs, so in total, based on this test, there are 16 personality types. Your personality type depends on which of the two opposite means of experiencing the world, you go by.

1. Are  you outwardly or inwardly focused? (E/I)
Are you an extrovert or and introvert? Can you be described as talkative and outgoing or are you more reserved and private? Do you enjoy being the center of attention or do you prefer to just observe and stay to the side away from the attention?

2. How do you prefer to take in information? (S/N)
Do you prefer to use your senses or do you prefer to go by your intuition? Do you like to pay attention to concrete facts or do you prefer to look at the bigger picture and see how everything connects? Do you prefer ideas that have practical applications or do you enjoy ideas and concepts for their own sake? Do you like to focus on the reality of how things are or do you like to imagine the possibility of how things could be?

3. How do you prefer to make decisions? (T/F)
Do you prefer thinking or feeling? Do you make decisions using logical reasoning or do you make your decisions based on your values and how your actions affect others? Do you value justice and fairness or do you value harmony and forgiveness? Are you described as reasonable and level-headed or are you described as warm and empathetic?

4. How do you prefer to live your outer life? (J/P)
Do you prefer judging or do you prefer perceiving? Do you prefer to have matters settled or do you like to keep your options open? Do you think that rules and deadlines should be respected or do you see rules and deadlines as flexible? Do you like to make plans ahead of time or are you spontaneous and enjoy surprises?

If you wish to take the actual test and get more in depth information, there are sites that offer the test for free:

No personality is any better than the rest. Each one has something valuable to offer to. And if we can understand this, then we won't be so quick to judge someone based on their personality.

I'm an INFP personality type. So I'm an Introvert that likes to take in information with my iNtuition. When I make decisions, I base it on how I Feel and how others Feel. And I like to Perceive many possibilities.

Obviously your personality type is much more complex than just what information I gave you, but I'll leave the rest of the research up to you. You'll probably learn things about yourself that you never knew before. After you take the test you'll probably be thinking to yourself "Someone finally understands me!" That's exactly how I felt when I took it.

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed taking the test. I hope you learned something new.
I love you all! Namasté <3

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