I'm pretty sure all of us are familiar with the
7 deadly sins. We've hear about them all the time in the media and religion. For those anime nerds like me, I'm sure you've heard of them in the famous
Full Metal Alchemist series(Amazing show by the way!). But what are they exactly? Originally they were created as a way to label man's selfish ways. There use to be more, but over many revisions and changes, it's become the seven that we know of today.
Sloth- Avoiding spiritual or physical work. Usually these people are labeled as 'Lazy' or 'non-caring.' Think of the animal.
Greed- The desire for material wealth or gain. People who are labeled as greedy are the ones who do things for only person gain. Or they try to keep everything for themselves.
Anger/Wrath- I'm not even going to explain this one. The name alone speaks for itself.
Lust- Strong and plentiful cravings for the pleasure of the body. Sex. You could label Porn stars as being very lustful.
Gluttony- Consuming more than which is required. Usually people associate this with food, but there's more to it than just that.
Envy- The desire for other peoples' traits, abilities and status. Also known as jealousy.
Pride- excessive belief in one's own abilities. Also known as arrogance. Pride is known as the sin where all other sins come from. The very first sin.
Now you may be asking yourself "Why are you telling me this? Everyone knows about the deadly sins. What's the point in this post?" Well there is a point to this that I want to make. For the time period that this labeling system was made, I feel as though it worked well as a way to point out man's selfish desires, but that was then. I think this system is a little outdated.... Okay... I lied. It waayyyy outdated. I think we need to start looking at 'sins' in a different way.
Since Pride is the root of all sins, let's start with that then. There are two types of 'Pride.' There's Arrogance and then there's actual Pride. You might be looking at this and thinking "Aren't they the same thing?" Well, no they're not. If anything, they're kinda opposites. Where do you think arrogance comes from? One thing that I have noticed is that everyone I've met, that you could consider 'arrogant', all have one thing in common. They're all unhappy. Either they hate themselves, they've let themselves become so bitter and angry with the world around them, or they're stuck trying to chase happiness in their life by being addicted to pleasures. It's as if though they've become so unhappy with themselves or their situation, when someone does point something out to them, about them, they get really defensive, insecure, thick headed, and stubborn, and it comes out as being arrogant. They've become so insecure with themselves, they're afraid to admit and face their insecurities and flaws so they take it out on other people. That's what arrogance is. So then, what does it mean to be actually prideful? The main difference between being arrogant and pride, is where it comes from. Arrogance comes from the lack of love and happiness to where being prideful comes from love. When someone has actual pride, it's because, they've learned to accept and love themselves for who they are. That pride, comes from loving themselves. Most people view that as a bad thing because they end up mixing up arrogance and pride, but here's my argument against that. It's better to love yourself, than hate yourself. But this sense of pride doesn't have to be just for yourself. You can be proud of children, proud of your friends, your family, your students. Pride comes from love and being happy.
So what about the other six? It's pretty much the same concept as arrogance. When you're being greedy, lustful, angry, or gluttonous, it's because of that lack of love. You try to fill that empty void inside of you by consuming everything, trying to gain as many possessions as you can, by having many sexual encounters, or by simply taking your anger out on other people. Being envious obviously comes from not being happy with what you have. You compare yourself to others so you become jealous and you wish you had what they have. When someone compares themselves to other people that just shows how insecure and unappreciative they are. When it comes to being lazy, I don't think they are actually lazy. In a lot of cases, people don't have confidence in themselves or their actions, so they just choose not to participate, and then automatically, they get labeled as being lazy. One thing I have noticed with 'laziness' is that people just label others as being 'lazy' because they aren't doing what society tells them to. It's not that they are lazy, they just have their values and priorities focused elsewhere. Don't judge what you obviously don't understand.
The point I'm trying to make, is that all of these 'sins' stem from lack of love and happiness. After all, the title of my blog is
Happiness is Key and there is so much truth to that. So in truth, these 'sins' don't really exist. They are just labels that people create in their head just to simplify things without actually trying to stop to understand and appreciate.
That is the end of my explanation though. Hopefully from this, you guys now have a different perspective on all of this and won't be so quick to judge others. That's what I try to offer in my blogs, different perspectives because I feel as though that's what our world lacks, empathy and understanding.
But anyways, I know I say this a lot(just about every post :P), but thank all of you for reading my post! I already know what my next couple blogs are gonna be about so I'm excited to talk about them. I love you all! And always remember, happiness is key;) Namasté<3